Teaming Module

A value-added program module for advisors.

Challenge & Opportunity

My client wanted to showcase this new value-added module in a way that was distinct from any existing materials while still adhering to the overall brand. Teaming is all about people, and I felt the best way for the content to resonate with the audience was to use photography. But the brand currently did not use photography on its covers.

To bridge the gap between photography and illustration, I combined both by overlaying vector art on the imagery. The team-oriented photography and network of geometric overlays worked together to convey the concept of collaboration and team-building.

  • CLIENT Legg Mason
  • ROLE Sole Designer
  • YEAR 2016
Teaming Strategic Plan Brochure
Teaming Promo Flyer
Teaming Social Media Campaign

To maintain the integrity of the brand’s white brochure covers, the imagery was constrained within the geometric artwork. Each cover was slightly differentiated from the next while maintaining the unity of a cohesive series.

Teaming Strategic Plan
Teaming Enhancing Team Communication
Teaming Becoming an Engaging Coach
Teaming Holding Effective Team Meetings
Teaming Empowering Through Delegation

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